Art Works from the studio that were not directly related to projects but were in shows that I loved

Art Works from the studio that were not directly related to projects but were in shows that I loved

I have moved my studio countless times and have worked in Indiana, Tokyo, SVA, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Prentis Hall at Columbia University, A weird haunted church, 1 Liberty Plaza on the 12th floor (across the street from the World Trade), At the top of the castle in Salzberg, Tel Aviv, At the CCA in Warsaw Poland, The former evidence locker for the FBI on Hudson Street in the West Village, The building on Morgan and Grand in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, With Naama Tsabar in Greenpoint behind the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, At NORM, Ashland, OR, A Barn in the Willamette Valley, Cragsmoor, NY, Maihar India and many more………

Here are some images I made while on the move.